Cooking With Shamoo

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Sausage Tray Bake

A fantastic winter warmer, wholesome, full of flavour and healthy! I've used 50% pork sausages for this recipe, the remainder 50% of the sausage is made from vegetables (chickpea, spinach and red pepper) they are from Waitrose, but any sausages of your choice would work in this dish. 

This is one of my quick one pan dishes. I’m not a fan of washing up - I particularly cannot stand a sink full of dishes, it’s the last thing anyone wants after spending an evening cooking a meal. This dish eliminates most of the washing up and you can just throw the pan in the dishwasher when you’re done (especially if like in my house, there is none of this flavoursome dish left!)

Substitute ingredients - If you can’t find wiri wiri peppers, you can use a habanero pepper or any other hot pepper.


6 sausages

1 red onion, chopped into chunks

2 potatoes, chopped into quarters 

1 sweet potato, chopped into quarters 

1 punnet of vine/cherry tomatoes

2 carrots, chopped into chunks

1 tin of butter beans

4 cloves of garlic, crushed

1 sweet pepper, chopped into chunks

1 chicken stock cube

1 spring onion, chopped into 2cm pieces

1 tbsp all purpose seasoning

1 tsp smoked paprika

1 wiri wiri pepper (optional)

1 tsp garlic salt

1 tbsp mixed herbs

Salt to taste. 

25g butter cut into cubes. 

50ml warm water (from the kettle)


  1. Preheat your oven to 180°C 

  2. Chop, wash and prep all of your veg - I tend to wash my veg after peeling and chopping, this way I can ensure that it’s thoroughly cleaned.

  3. In a large casserole/pyrex dish add all your vegetables, season and add your wiri wiri pepper (or alternative hot pepper), garlic, cubed butter and spring onion. 

  4. Mix your stock cube with the water, it doesn't need to fully dissolve and don’t worry about it being too thick, the juices from the veg when cooking will dissolve anything that hasn't dissolved in the water. Pour over the veg. 

  5. Evenly space out your sausages on top of the veg in your dish. 

  6. Pop into the oven for 40 mins, or until your potatoes and sausages are cooked through. About 20 mins into the cooking process, check your dish and turn your veg and sausages so that they can all cook evenly. 

  7. You can serve this dish with rice or garlic bread, but I find it works well on its own, the potatoes are enough for me!