Cooking With Shamoo

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Saltfish Cakes


These crispy balls of deliciousness were one of my favourite snacks that my mum would make, dunked in some hot pepper sauce or mango sour they would never last long - best eaten hot off the stove so that when you break them open you can still see the steam coming out of them. They work well cold too in packed lunches for the kids or for picnics. 

They make a great appetizer/starter. But I like to have a bowl of them whilst I'm watching tele! 

If you do happen to have any of them leftover, I quite like them, cold, shoved between two slices of bread and a good lashing of mango sour!


1 pack boneless, skinless saltfish

2 -3 medium potatoes, mashed (as in make mashed potato with them)

4 cloves of garlic, crushed

2 spring onions, finely sliced 

½ tsp paprika 

1 wiri wiri pepper finely chopped (or you can use scotch bonnet)

2 sprigs of fresh thyme (or 1 tbsp dried)

2 tbsp butter

1 egg

Some seasoned flour for coating (I used black pepper and some all purpose seasoning)



1. Boil the kettle and pour boiling water over the saltfish and leave for 5 mins, rinse well and repeat process 3 times. (You can also boil the saltfish but I find the kettle method works the same and saves time). Make sure you've rinsed well and drained all the water out then flake your saltfish with your hands or a fork, and set aside. 

2. Peel and boil your potatoes for about 10-12 mins, you don't want them too soft or mushy.

3. Drain the potatoes and pop them in a bowl, add in the butter, crushed garlic, spring onions, wiri wiri, thyme (remove stalks), paprika and mash together well to make your mashed potatoes.

4. Add in your saltfish to the mashed potato, and fold in well, make sure it's evenly distributed and not all clumped together.  Then add in your egg and give it all a good mix

5. Pop a heavy based deep pan, or Dutch pot on the stove and heat enough oil to deep fry. You can use a deep fat fryer here if you have one.

6. Roll your mashed potato/saltfish mix into little logs but with slightly pointy ends (you can roll them into any shape you want to really but this is how my mum made them) set aside.

7. Place your seasoned flour into a plate, and coat your saltfish cake in flour. 

8. Fry until golden brown (remember everything is already cooked so we're only frying to get them crispy and golden) 

9. Drain on kitchen towel and enjoy!